Durangaldeko Bizikleta Eskola


In 2014, the cycling societies of Abadiño, Durango and Elorrio agreed to create a new cycling school with the aim of renewing themselves and minimizing resources. This society, called Durangaldeko Bizikleta Eskola (Duranguesado Bicycle School), brings together kids from 6 to 18 years old, who fall into the following categories:

Haurrak (6-7-8 years)
Beginners (9-10 years)
Fingerlings (11-12 years)
Children (13-14 years)
Cadets (15-16 years)
Junior (17-18 years old)
The main objective of the schools program is to train people through fun and sports, instilling values ​​in them, teaching them attitudes and skills through cycling. 

The school activities, such as initiation to cycling, are carried out in safe places, such as bidegorris, velodromes or circuits or paths away from the roads suitable for each category. In addition, we also organize excursions to areas suitable for cycling such as the Landa reservoir, trips to the Berriz velodrome, Gymkhanas, excursions, games...

In the cadet and junior categories, the training is completed with more demanding but no less fun preparation and training. The club participates in tests of all types of the Basque-Navarrean calendar, from cyclocross, mountain biking, track and road, completing one of the most historic and promising cycling quarries. 


In conclusion, if you like cycling and want to practice this sport, join our peloton! 

For more information, visit the school's website: www.durangaldekobizikletaeskola.com