Eiser Hirumet







It is about a new project created this year, 2017 with the union of two clubs, ours and the Punta Galea cycling club in Getxo. This new project gives continuity to the Eiser - Inforlur team created 2 years ago by our club, and to the Seguros Bilbao Team where Punta Galea collaborated and has the main objective of supporting the junior category quarry of the 2 clubs (Cafe Dromedario-Flotamet and Loiumat Inox Scaffolding). 

For this new challenge, Eiser, a company dedicated to the project, design and construction of Eco-efficient Homes, will continue to be the main sponsor, and Hirumet, a company dedicated to the classification, recycling and valuation of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap, will join as a second sponsor. ferric. Apart from these sponsors, it will also have the collaboration of Inforlur (Engineering and architecture company), Ekidom (Renewable Energy Installation Company) and the City Councils of Getxo (Getxokirolak) and Durango.


As for the squad, the base of the team is completed by runners from the youth teams of both clubs, and with the additions of some experienced runners from the area or some foreigners. The calendar is completed by the Euskaldun and Lehendakari Trophy races of Euskal Herria as well as some tests in nearby provinces and abroad, in countries such as Belgium or France. This calendar is affordable so that the kids can perfectly combine their cycling career with their studies, for which our club has always given primary importance.